User application structure overview

NEST user applications are an accumulation of NEST’s unique components, from the beginning of the application to its end. The user application screens are organized by Forms which are in themselves components. The UI/UX scenario is comprised of the Form component, VisualComponent, ListComponent, ContainerComponent. The applications logic is organized by components as well, the NonVisualComponent, and DataStoreComponent.

Each individual component has its own method and event and so develoeprs can easily connect the method and events they wish to use to complete their application.

This section describes how NEST user applications are structured to provide programing reference information so that developers will be able to customize their own applications and components.

assets Parent resource directory for user application
include Library directory for NEST common library and optionally user added library
system Stored Directory containing application icon / launcher image
build Stored Directory containg build configuration file and built application file
forms Form Directory containing screen design

app Application Parent Directory
index.html Application Launch Page Application Script; Script that is created during application development
assets Application resource directory
component Component Parent Directory
assets Component resource directory
components Directory storing script files for individual compoent
libs Directory containg Common script library
NEST.commons.js Common script file
NEST.core.css Common CSS file
NEST.core.js Script file defining NEST component core library
NEST.navigator.js Script library file controlling screen navigation

Visual Component Visual Component Component responsible for the UI visible on the screen such as Buttons, Label, and Textbox.
Container Component Components used on the Layout inheriting the Visual Components Although visible on the screen it is unable to function by itself. It must be inherited by other component such as Form, Panel, and Scroll Panel.
List Component Component inheriting Visual Components. Unlike Container Component it contains only Listitem component which is the root component.
Non-Visual Component Non-Visual Component Component not visible on the screen, only functions to organize logic such as Loading, Link, Timer, DataTime, and Script.
DataStore Component Component Inheriting NonVisibleComponents, focuses on processing data and retuning data.