Configuring NEST IDE

Project Configuration

Project Configuration Editor is used to configure your application information. If you wish to change the previously set ID and Title of your application, you can do this now. Also at this time you can insert the wanted application loading images and application Icon that you have prepared.

Figure 19 Project Configuration Editor

  1. Overview

    Information you have input earlier when first creating the application can be modified in Project Configuration Ed

    Figure 20 Application Information

    Please refer to “Project Wizard”.

    Application Images Settings

    Figure 21 Application Information

    Application Icon image and Splash image can be added or edited under Application Images Settings. You may choose one of the images provided by NEST or use an image of your choice. Although NEST will resize the image if it exceeds or does not meet the required sizes, it is a better idea to edit and resize via image editing program so that the image quality remains.